김일성은 가짜 본문
친북 좌파들이 김일성 가짜설에 반박을 하고 있지만 김일성은 빼박캔트 가짜.
"김일성 항일투쟁은 거짓"
kgb문서 입수
일제하당시 북한에 없어
해방될때 nkvd 요원
"워싱턴=연합" 구소련의 비밀첩보 조직이었던 kgb의 한 1급 비밀문서가 김일성이 해방 당시 항일투쟁을 하지 않았다고 밝힌 것으로 7일 뒤늦게 드러났다. 이는 비밀정보를 전문적으로 입수해 폭로하는 역할을 하고 있는 미전문 간행물인 정보와 국가안보 가 92년 1월 kgb의 1급 비밀 서류철에 포함된 국제첩보활동 1975-1985년분 이란 제목의 특집물속에 기록돼 있다.
이 간행물은 김이 과감한 빨치산 투쟁을 한후 45년 8월 일제로부터 조국을 해방시킨 영웅임을 자처해 왔으나 kgb는 그가 당시 북한에 있지도 않았다는 사실을 잘 알고 있었다 며 이어 소련군이 한반도 이북을 해방시킬 당시 김이 붉은 군대의 중위로 복무해오면서 동시에 nkvd(kgb 전신) 요원이었다 고 덧붙였다.
이런 전력때문에 kgb가 김에 대해서 배신감과 경멸감을 함께 느끼고 있다 고 지적했다.
이 간행물은 아시아 부문에서 kgb가 78년 4월20일자로 홍콩에서 암약하는 구소련 첩보망에 보낸 비밀 전문에서 김이 70년대초 모스크바를 멀리하면서 대신 중국에 기우는 외교노선을 추구한데 대해 강한 불만을 표시했다고 지적했다.
Former confidential CIA documents reveal secrets of North Korean founder Kim Il-sung
Newly unveiled documents suggest the founder of North Korea, Kim Il-sung, who is the grandfather of North Korean leader, Kim Jong-un, may not have been who the regime claims he was.
Voice of America reported this week, citing once-confidential CIA documents, that Kim's original name was Kim Sung-ju , and he impersonated "General Kim Il-sung," a famous anti-Japanese independence fighter of the time.
According to the documents,.. the real general Kim had disappeared at some point,.. and Kim Sung-ju took over his identity.
Kim Sung-ju moved to Manchuria at 14, unlike the real General Kim who was studying at a Japanese military academy at that age, and it was revealed Kim Sung-ju murdered two people before being appointed North Korean leader by Stalin when Kim was 33 years old.
The confidential CIA documents were written in September 1949 and reported to the U.S. State Department in December of that year, six months before the Korean War started in June 1950.
Voice of America reported this week, citing once-confidential CIA documents, that Kim's original name was Kim Sung-ju , and he impersonated "General Kim Il-sung," a famous anti-Japanese independence fighter of the time.
According to the documents,.. the real general Kim had disappeared at some point,.. and Kim Sung-ju took over his identity.
Kim Sung-ju moved to Manchuria at 14, unlike the real General Kim who was studying at a Japanese military academy at that age, and it was revealed Kim Sung-ju murdered two people before being appointed North Korean leader by Stalin when Kim was 33 years old.
The confidential CIA documents were written in September 1949 and reported to the U.S. State Department in December of that year, six months before the Korean War started in June 1950.
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